Saturday, March 27, 2021

Senior School Clean Up

Last week, the Year 6 team learned about looking after our natural environments as part of Pb4L. 

We did this by working together to clean up any rubbish we found in our school grounds, watering the plants, and weeding the gardens. 

Room 25 worked together to water the plants, help Mr Walker carry some tree clippings to the bin, and put any pieces of rubbish we found in the appropriate bin.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Middle School Clean Team

Room 30 were on the playground and noticed there was rubbish there. We picked up rocks, sticks, rubbish and old broken off plants. 
To help our environment in the middle school playground area, we did a tidy up. If we leave these things around on the footpath, people can trip over or slip which is dangerous. People can also get injured and hurt themselves. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

2021 - R7 sorting the rubbish into the correct bins!

 Room 7 has been learning about different bins around the school - waste, paper, worm and compost. We discussed which rubbish goes where and had fun doing an activity of sorting rubbish. 

First, we had a go at guessing which rubbish will go where. 

Then, we worked as a class to discuss further on why we put certain things in the certain bin, and discussed about if it needs to be in a different bin. Then we came out with the result shown below: 

We are a proud class of enviro scholars! We are ready to go home and let our family know how we can use the bins correctly to look after our environment! :) 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Responsible Rubbish Rising Stars

On Friday Room 12 & 13 raided the shed to collect rubbish bins and tongs. We were a little bit disappointed to see some rubbish around the school, but it felt really good being part of the clean-up crew and keeping our Middle School and Field Area super tidy. Some of the unusual objects we discovered was a Harry Potter wand, big pieces of wood and a screw. We hope to see less rubbish around so that we have a tidier environment.

2021 Litter Free Lunches in Room 4


Room 4 have been learning about what a litter free lunch is. A litter free lunch is a lunch with only reusable containers, no plastic or things we have to throw away. Today we got our lunchboxes out and had a look at what was in there. First we shared with a buddy and then we shared with a class. 

We had 6 students who had no litter in their lunchboxes: Andy, Vincent, Lynsion, Charlotte, Niko, Harper. Their names will go into the draw at assembly to win a prize for being a litter free lunch legend!